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Loco Baby – Biography

Iako je za elektronsku muziku zainteresovana veoma dug period, Loco Baby je relativno skoro otpočela da dj karijerom privlači pažnju šireg auditorijuma. Neuhvatljivom energijom, harizmom, ali I tehnikom koja je mnogo ispred njenog iskustva uspela je za kratko vreme da se izbori za zapaženu poziciju medju mladjom generacijom dj-jeva. Sredina 2010. godine se beleži kao period prvih koraka zajedno sa Nemax Jackmill-om. Iako se Loco Baby ubrzo osamostalila, njihovo zajednicko ime The Jackmills je aktuelno I dan-danas.

Loco Baby, danas, voli da kaže da je na detinjstvo asocira muzika I da je upravo ta kvalitetna muzička podloga u kombinaciji sa izuzetnom strašću I posvećenošću rezultat njenih prepoznatljivih setova. Specifican spoj tech house-a I techna čine neprestanu energetsku inekciju na njenim performansima. Zapažene nastupe ostvarila je na celom Balkanu – pored Srbije, Slovenije, Hrvatske Makedonije, Bosne iI Hercegovine, Crne Gore… Švajcarska i Grčka su takodje uvrštene na njenoj dj mapi. Sredinom 2011.bila je proglašena u top 5 balkanski ženskih dj-jeva na prvom regionalnom takmicenju tog tipa. U sezoni 2011/2011, zapravo u prvoj godini njene karijere, dobija šansu čak tri puta da nastupa u jednom od vodećih underground klubova, na listi The world’s finest clubs – klub The Tube u Beoradu. Ovo iskustvo je bio veliki test, a sada je značajna preporuka.

Po prirodi željna sticanja znanja, ne zaustavlja se na postignutom… Trenutno pohadja časove klavira i saradjuje sa afirmisanim producentima pripremajuci prva izdanja. Loco Baby – Biography English Even though she is in Electronic dance music world for a long time, Loco Baby, relatively recently started to immensely grab attention of wide audience. As with her charisma that she manifested on the stage, so with her DJ skills that are undoubtedly far away ahead in front of her experience. Started in the middle of 2010, with support from Nemax who has already been established as a DJ in Serbia. Their common name is The Jackmills and Nemax and Loco are still working under this name, very successful.Not so much later on she got on the stages independently and already caught broadly public attention. Loco Baby rides on the passion for music, trying to express it in the best way, through her distinctive and jolty sets rife with quality blend of tech, hard tech house and techno – making the non-resistance energetic vibe. Vibe that already saw interiors of clubs that are placed in Serbia, Macedonia,Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro but also been outspread in the air of summer festivals that were, as she says “big experience for her”. Also, significant performances in Greece and Switzerland should be noted since no person left indifferent after the loco-vibe got released!

In the middle of 2011. she has been listed in top 5 Balcan female djs on the first regional competition. In the season 2011/2012, actually in the first year of her career, Loco Baby got chance in undisputed number one location in Belgrade- club The Tube, for three times. The Tube is nominated in top-notch underground venue in Belgrade on The world’s finest clubs. So, this expirance was a big test and now ishuge recommendation. She is hungry for knowledge especially music-related, she orderly goes to piano lessons. And she is currently working and collaborating with talented and affirmed producers . More Loco stuff coming soon!


Lea Dobričić – Biography

Muzika je uvek bila njena strast. Već sa 10 godina peva u horu, a sa 14 otkriva gramofone i elektronsku muziku. Osnovno muzicko obrazovanje stice na bogatoj i raznolikoj beogradskoj sceni, a onda odlazi u Firencu gde usavrsava tehniku.

Harizmaticna,veoma talentovana i atraktivna,izazvala je boom predstavljajuci se u najprestiznijim evropskim klubovima i festivalima od kojih je jedan od najzapazenijih bio nastup na Exit Festivalu 2011 godine,te nastup pre Umeka pred punom Spense dovranom u sklopu eventa Green Love 03. Ona vrti zarazni mix deep house-a,tech house-a,minimala i techna uvek sa preciznom tehnikom i ekstremnom elegancijom i na jedinstven nacin donosi sa sobom svezinu i neverovatnu energiju. Identicna energija se oseca i u njenoj produkciji,a talenat potvrdjuje u maju 2010,osvajanjem prvog mesta medju stotinama prijavljenih na remix contestu “Stefano Noferini – Papi”.Remix je objavljen na Deeperfect records-u. Od tog momenta ostvaruje saradnju sa mnogim uticajnim izdavackim kućama kao što su Bosphorus Underground Recordings,Italobiusiness,Freshin,Butane recordings,Lovable Fairy Tale,Killing Machine,No-Logic… Uvek posebna,svojim nastupom izaziva interakciju,intenzivne emocije i vrhunski doživljaj muzike.   Lea Dobricic/Bopsphorus Underground recordings/Lovable Fairy Tale At age of 10, she began to actively pursue her love for music by taking up vocal training and joining the local Choir. Not much later she got in touch with vinyl for the first time and instantly fall in love in electronic music. 2005 she starts working as a full time DJ and Producer,and she has been rocking the house with heart and mind at many Europian most famous clubs and festivals including Tenax,Ritual,Boogaloo,Frau Marlene,K4,KamaKama,K-Lab,and most important Exit Festival 2011. She spins a contagious mix of deep house, tech house, minimal and techno,always with precise technique and extreme elegance.Charismatic, easy-going, very talented and beautiful …she had a meteoric appearance in electronic music scene, rapidly gaining a prestigious position in an environment entwined with men.

In May 2010, she was awarded the winning prize of the “Stefano Noferini Remix” Contest.Her submission was one among hundreds reviewed, a clear statement about her talent driven by her passion for the music. Remix is released on “Deeperfect” records. Now she regularly publishes her tracks on labels such as Bosphorus Underground,Freshin,Italo Business,Butane,No-Logic,Strict etc

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