MALIBU BREEZE : Svetski remixeri dolaze na peti Soundlovers
Malibu Brezze je mlad i snažan haouse muzički projekat koji je osnovan od strane dvoje mađarskih momaka Szabolcs Somlyai i Nándor Fedák. Ovi momci dolaze iz Mađarske i biće centralni izvođači druge festivalske večeri.
Ono što posebno izdvaja ove momke je njihov remix za festivalsku himnu “Celebrate summertime” kojim će se publici predstaviti u pravom svetlu. Ovaj remix donosi totalnu novinu u popularnu temu, tvrđi ritam i zaista podiže iz mrtvih.
Njihov prvi uspeh došao je 2008 godine sa čuvenim remiksom za Last Vegas – Sexy girl, koji se prvi put pojavio na plejlisti velikog imena kao što je Bob Sinclar, Micha Moor , Stereo Palma, Klaas itd.Bio je na vrhu top liste u mnog zemljama širom Evrope.
Objavljivan je u celoj Evropi Vendetta, Blanco Y Negro, Kontor etc. Od tada su imali dosta remiksa za Stereo Palma, Dj Jeroenski, Inna, Spencer & Hill, Yves Larock i mnoge druge. Njihov remiks hit za Ininu pesmu “Hot” bio je izdat na svim poznatim kompilacijama, i uvršten u maksi singl ove poznate Rumunke.
Posle svih remiksa oni su komponovali sopstveni singl u kojem su sarađivali sa Terri B. i Gerald G. Njihova pesma se pojavila kao veoma poznata u radio emisijama, kao što je Roger Sanchez’ Release Yourself itd.
Biography in English :
Malibu Breeze is a young and powerful House music project made by two hungarian guys called Szabolcs Somlyai and Nándor Fedák. Their first huge success came in 2008 with a remix for Last Vegas’ Sexy girl, which at first appeared on big names playlist like Bob Sinclar, Micha Moor , Stereo Palma, Klaas etc. It was on top of charts in many countries all over in Europe. It was released all over Europe at big labels like Vendetta, Blanco Y Negro, Kontor etc. Since then they had a lot of banging remixes for Stereo Palma, Dj Jeroenski, Inna, Spencer & Hill, Yves Larock and many others. Their remix of the smash hit INNA – HOT was included in all compilations, maxi singles. After all remixes they launched their own single , in which they cooperated with Terri B. and Gerald G!Their tracks appeared at well known radio shows , like Roger Sanchez’ Release Yourself etc. Thanks to their popular but still clubby sounds, remixes and mashups , they had a lot of banging gigs in all over Europe, including Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Russia, Austria etc.
aaaleksandra June 2, 2013 Malibu Breeze, Saturday DJ night