DJ dvojac “BABYSITTERS” ploviće u Zrenjaninu disko ritmovima
Projekat između dva DJa, producenta, remiksera sa velikom ljubavlju prema muzici pojavljuje se između Denija Dansmora i Diplorga. Duo dolazi iz Beograda, a njihov rad je baziran na instrumentalu i disco muzici 80tih i 90tih. Prvo priznanje za svoj rad dobijaju za hit singl ” U Took My Love” (treće mesto na House top listi “Tracksource” sajta za onlajn prodaju elektronske muzike) Ubrzo nakon toga u saradnji sa Dj Dave Floyd oni produciraju još jedan hit singl “Sun Is Shining” za svetsku prestižnu —- “Pacha Ibiza” na kompilacijama PACHA VIP vol 6, PACHA SUMMER 2012., PACHA IBIZA HITS 2012TH. ENGLISH : Project between two DJs, producers, remicers and friends with great love for music emerged between Deni Dansmore and Deeplorg. The duo comes from Belgrade (Serbia) and their work based on instrumental and vocal sounds of disco 70 ‘s and 80 ‘s with a touch of tech house sound. First recognition for their work they are getting for the hit single ” U Took My Love” (3rd place on the House Top Chart on the web for sale of digital electronic music “Tracksource”). Glen Hors-borough incorpotates ” U Took My Love” to his “Disco Heaven” mix for Hedkandi ina april 2012. Shortly after that in collaboration with DJ Dave Floyd they produce another hit single “Sun Is Shining” for the world prestigious label “Pacha Ibiza” on compilations PACHA VIP vol 6, PACHA SUMMER 2012., PACHA IBIZA HITS 2012TH. Their work was recognized by the Hungarian label “Pornostar Record” managed by the duo “Crazibiza” for whose song “Take Control” made a remix in collaboration with Croatian producer and DJ of the Jazzy Rossco and publish their own original mix Feeling ‘Better. Facebook : RELEASES Babysitters & Jazzy Rossco – Hollywood [3Desires] Babysitters – U Took My Love [Pornostar Records] Dave Floyd & Babysitters – Sun Is Shining [Pacha Recordings] Babysitters – Feelin’ Better [PornoStar Records] Babysitters – The Way Of Love [Lo Kik Records] Deep Criminal & Babysitters – Weekend Starts Tonight [Lo Kik Records] Babysitters – Give Up [Mjuzieek Digital] Babysitters – Free With Your Love [TeddyBear Records] Babysitters – Hellenes [GrooveTraxx] Babysitters – Mambo [GrooveTraxx] Babysitters & Nemax Jackmill – Rooster Hill Policeman [GrooveTraxx] Babysitters & Jazzy Rossco – Feel So Free [TeddyBear Records] Babysitters feat. Syntheticsax – I Can’t You [TeddyBear Records] REMIXES Crazibiza – Take Control (Babysitters & Jazzy Rossco Remix) [PornoStar Records] Toris Badic – Alto Mare (Babysitters Remix) [Muzik XPress Records] Souljackerz – Can’t Get Enough (Babysitters Remix) [Mjuzieek Digital] Rob Makzem – Bird’s Story (Babysitters Saxo Remix) [Musikpropaganda] Pray for More ft. Ceevox – Can’t Fake The Feeling (Babysitters Remix) [Mjuzieek Digital] ReWire – Fever (Babysitters Remix) [GrooveTraxx] Kevin Prise & Peter Brown – Higher ‘N’ Higher (Babysitters Remix) [PornoStar Records] Fash & Nick Hussey – Shine (Dirty Freek vs Babysitters Remix) [Disco Bomb] Jazzy Rossco – Ina (Babysitters Remix) [Muzicasa Recordings] Deep Criminal – By My Side (Babysitters Remix) [TeddyBear Records] Rafael Chavez – For You (Babysitters Remix) [TeddyBear Records] ReWire – Mama Say (Babysitters Remix) [TeddyBear Records] Miss Kay Dee – Best Of My Love (Babysitters Remix) [Mjuzieek Digital] Grada – Drip Drop (Babysitters Remix) [TeddyBear Records] Dave Floyd – Sunshine (Babysitters Remix) [Ambasada] Grada – Mira (Babysitters Remix) [EGO] Levan Kay Ft. Gary Caos & Helen K. – Don’t Look Any Further (Babysitters & Deep Criminal Remix) [Pacha Recordings]-
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VIKTORIA METZKER : Napravićemo žurku za pamćenje
Viktorija Metzker se prvenstveno usmerila na karijeru modela, koja je uskoro bila krunisana uspehom. Usledile su joj različite nagrade na takmičenjima lepote. Zanimljive poslovne mogućnosti u Mađarskoj i u inostranstvu su je ubrzo pratile. Pozirala je za poznate modne brendove i krasila je naslovne strane različitih časopisa u Parizu, Londonu, Minhenu, Milanu (SFT, Crank, Armani outlet). Radila je za poznati brend satova “Cornavin”, bila je zaštitno lice Eurostyle magazine a radila je i kao model za reklamu kupaćih kostima za brend donjeg veša My77 širom Mađarske. Od 2007 godine započela je i svoju DJ-karijeru, zbog svoje tajne strasti prema muzici. Učila je didzejing zajedno sa Junior-em, jednim od najpoznatijih mađarskih dj-eva. Uz podršku Sensation Club-a imala je nastupe u različitim klubovima, kao sto su Café del Rio tokom leta, u kome je i usavršila tehničke veštine. Karijera modela joj je i dalje bila veoma uspešna. U maju, jedan od najprestiznijih takmičenja u svetu je najavio: Playmate of the Year. I u njemu je stigla do samog finala. Nakon 5 meseci fotografisanja i pojavljivanja u medijima, 28. septembra proglašena je za najlepšu zečicu godine i tako je postal Mađarska Playboy zečica 2007. Njena DJ karijera je napredovala krupnim koracima. Decembra 2007. debitovala je kao budući Dj tokom velikog događaja u klubu Sensation. Pratile su je mnoge poslovne mogućnosti kako u zemlji tako i u inostranstvu u mnogim modernim klubovima. Od svoje debitantske žurke, bavila se didzejingom i očaravala je ljude svakog vikenda u različitim gradovima širom sveta. Trenutno, okupirana je učenjem electro house- stilom pevanja posto je i svoje pevačke sposobnosti uključila u svoje nastupe. Od početka 2008, svakog drugog meseca, ona je Dj u Mađarskom radio sou Radio 1 Ministry of Sound, koji je jedan od najslušanijih radio souova petkom uveče. Stotine hiljada ljudi ga sluša svake nedelje. Njena prva pesma sa Dj Junior-em izašla je u februaru 2008. pod nazivom „The house of Playmate”. Takodje je izdata i kao cd mix (zahvaljujući Nike&Playersroom) nakon njene prve turneje. Tromesečna turneja koja je obuhvatila celu zemlju je uspešno završena krajem maja. Različiti dj-evi kao sto su Bárány Attila& Flamemakers, Dj Thomy i Chris Lawyer napravili su remixe za Viktoriju. U oktobru 2008. godine ona je postala rezident Dj u novom Saturday klubu u Budimpešti. Ona je takođe bila kreator žurki za dobro rasploženje u klubu Play gde je okupljala između 3000-3500 ljudi svake nedelje. Mesec dana kasnije radila je sa holandskom zvezdom Funkermanom i nemačkim Djom i producentom Eddie Thoneick. U novembru 2009. je objavila svoju novu pesmu na Haiti Groove Recordings pod nazivom: “Playmate” ( gde su učestvovali Dj Junior, Náksi, Brunner) i zvaničan video spot i remix za istu, koji su radili Sergio Flores, Chris Montana i Patric la Funk. Od 2009. godine Viktorija postaje jedna od najtraženijih Dj-eva sa preko 100 nastupa godišnje. Usledili su i prvi remix poslovi za Roger Sanchez-a “Get together” (Stealth Records) i Denisa The Menace vs. Chris Montana Spanish Hustle” (Subliminal records).Vikotija sada nastupa na najekskluzivnijim i najuzbudljivijim mestima na svetu kao što su Dubai, Rio De Janeiro, Sidnej, Oslo, Pariz, Madrid, Chisinau, Moskva, Milano, Kiev, Las Vegas, Berlin, Minhrn, Stockholm, Taipei, Seoul, Helsinki, Ibica, Miami. Marta 2011 Viktorija je miksovala i sastavljala novi Ibiza World Club Tour Vol. 2 CD. Malo vremena nakon toga je objavila pesmu “So Amazing” sa glasom Mitch Crown-a za poznati Holandski Spinnin Records. Žurka na splavu “Freestyler” U međuvremenu, Viktorija je ulepšavala naslovnu stranicu Playboy-a u 11 različitih zemalja (kao što su Meksiko 2009, Holandija 2008, Ukrajna 2008, Kolumbija 2009, Španija 2008, Hrvatska 2001, Mađarska 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, kao i Hrvatski i Nemacki Playboy 2011 godine. Iste godine Viktorija je postala član španskog brenda žurki SupermartXe i sve do sada ona jednom godišnje nastupa na Ibici na plaži Ushuaia i Privilege. Pored toga jedan od najpoznatijih klubova na svetu, pod nazivom Marquee Las Vegas, je poziva 2-3 puta godišnje da nastupa pored velikih zvezda kao sto su Avicii, Afrojack, Chuckie ili David Guetta. Pred kraj 2011, Viktorija je radila Nemačke kampanje za modne magazine kao sto su FHM I Maxim (uključujući naslovnu stranu) i nastupala je ekskluzivno na Jim Bean (Redstag) klubskoj turneji u najboljim gradovima i klubovima Nemačke. 2012 jeste najbolja godina za Viktoriju do sada. Dj zvezda i Producent Roger Sanchez joj je ponudio producijsku saradnju koja je počela sa pesmom Roger Sanchez & Viktoria Metzker feat. Nalaya Brown “Come So Far” (koju je izdala Stealth Records). Osim ovoga, Viktorija je izdala novi muzički singl sa Lea-om Lorien (pevačem pobednikom Grammy-ija David Morles), pod nazivom Viktoria Metzker feat. Lea Lorien “Find A Way” zajedno sa oficijalnim spotom (koji mozete videti ovde ) Poslednje ali ne manje vazno, Viktorija je uradila dva nova izadnja, prvi sa Taylor Inc & Viktoria Metzker feat. Kasai “Music Is On” koji će biti objavljen sa nemačkom etiketom Haiti Groove Recordings i drugi pod nazivom DJ Junior & Viktoria Metzker “Summer Breeze”. Kraj 2012 će Viktoriji obeležiti događaji na širom sveta poznatoj Fashion TV. 2013 je spremna da dođe. BIOGRAPHY IN ENGLISH Victoria, then focused on primarily on her model career, what soon was to be crowned with success. Various awards in important beauty contests followed. Interesting job opportunities in Hungary and international didn’t took long to follow. She posed for trendy fashion labels and adorns the cover pictures of various magazines in Paris, London, Munich, Milan (SFT, Crank, Armani outlet) For the wellknown watch brand Cornavin she was the face in Eurostyle magazine and she also worked as a model and presented shows for the bathing outfit label My77 Underwear all around Hungary. Since 2007 , Viktória also pursued a DJ career, because of her enduring passion for music. She learnt Djing alongside Junior, one of the best known Hungarian Djs. With the support of Sensation Club, she had gigs in various clubs, like Cafe del Rio during summer, which gave her the oppertunity to develop her technical skills. Her career as a model was still very successful. In May, one of the most prestigious competitions of the world was announced: Playmate of the Year. Whre she made it promptly to the finals. After 5 months of photo shoots and media presence, on september 28th she was chosen the most beautiful bunny of the year and thus became Hungarys Playmate of 2007. Her DJ career made huge steps. In december 2007 december she made her debut as future DJ at Club Sensation during a big event. Many job opportunities throughout the country and abroad in various trendy clubs followed. Since her debut party, she is DJing and enthralling people every weekend in different cities around the world. Currently, she is busy learning the electro house-vocal style singing since she also includes her singing skills in her performances. Since the beginning of 2008, every second month, she is DJane of the Hungarian radio show ‘Radio 1 Ministry of Sound ‘ which is one of the most heard radio shows on Friday night. A hundred thousand people listen to it every week! Her first song featured by Dj Junior was released in February 2008 with the title „The house of Playmate”. It was also released as mixed cd (thanks to Nike&Playersroom) after her first tour. The three month party series that involved the entire country came to a successful end in May. Various DJ’s like Bárány Attila& Flamemakers, Dj Thomy and Chris Lawyer created remixes for Victória. In October 2008 she became resident DJane of the new Saturday Club in Budapest. She also creates the party mood in Club Play and is celebrating together with 3000-3500 people each week. One month later she worked with the Dutch superstar Funkerman and the German DJ and producer Eddie Thoneick. In November 2009 she will release her second and new song on Haiti Groove Recordings, called: „Playmate” (feauturing Dj Junior, Náksi, Brunner) including an official music video and remixes by Sergio Flores, Chris Montana and Patric la Funk. Since 2009 Victória is one of the most booked DJanes worldwide, with circa 100 shows per year! First remix jobs follow for Roger Sanchez with „Get Together“ (Stealth Records) and Denis The Menace vs. Chris Montana with „Spanish Hustle“ (Subliminal Records). Viktoria is now playing at the hippest venues and most exciting spotlights in the world like Dubai, Rio De Janeiro, Sidney, Oslo, Paris, Madrid, Chisinau, Moscow, Milano, Kiev, Las Vegas, Berlin, Munich, Stockholm, Taipei, Seoul, Helsinki, Ibiza, Miami. In March 2011 Viktoria is mixing and compiling the new Ibiza World Club Tour Vol. 2 CD compilation. Short time after she releases the song “So Amazing” with the voice of Mitch Crown on the famous dutch label Spinnin Records. In Meanwhile Viktoria decorates the Playboy Cover in 11 different countries (like Mexiko 2009, Netherlands 2008, Ukraine 2008, Colombia 2009, Spain 2008, Croatia 2001, Hungary 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, an das well on the Crotian and German Playboy in the year 2011. In the same year Viktoria became a member of the Spanish PartyBrand SupermartXe and from now on she plays yearly Ibiza residencies at Ushuaia Beach and Privilege. Furthermore one of the most famous clubs in the world, called Marquee Las Vegas invites Viktoria for 2-3 times per year to play alongside of superstars like Avicii, Afrojack, Chuckie or David Guetta. At the end of 2011, Viktoria is doing the german fashion campaigns for FHM and Maxim (including Title Cover) and playing the exclusive Jim Beam (RedStag) Club Tour in the best cities & clubs in Germany. 2012 will be the best year for Viktoria so far. Star DJ & Producer Roger Sanchez is offering her a production cooperation and it starts with the first song Roger Sanchez & Viktoria Metzker feat. Nalaya Brown “Come So Far” (coming on Stealth Records). Besides of this, Viktoria has a new music single with Lea Lorien (singer of Grammy Winner David Morales), named Viktoria Metzker feat. Lea Lorien “Find A Way” including official music video What a Year 2012, but last but not least, Viktoria was doing 2 other new releases with Taylor Inc & Viktoria Metzker feat. Kasai “Music Is On” which will be released on the german label Haiti Groove Recordings and the second one is named DJ Junior & Viktoria Metzker “Summer Breeze”. End of 2012 Viktoria will be also headlining the worldwide famous FASHION TV events. 2013 is ready to come.IAN CARISI iz San Franciska otvoriće ovogodišnji Soundlovers festival
For over two decades now, DJ Ian Carisi has been maintaining the steady rhythm of dancefloors on both the East and West coasts and now Europe. Dance music aficionados first became aware of Ian in 1998 when he appeared as a radio personality and disc jockey on KSJS (90.5 FM) in California. His mixes on their show “The House Party” helped to propel that program to Number 1 in its market. He also hosted and programmed the “Planet E” show and revolutionized the dance music scene in the San Francisco Bay Area. This success eventually led him across the coast to the Big Apple (NYC) for similar duties at the station WFNY (89.3 FM). It wasn’t long before the NY club circuit was opening their doors for Mr. Carisi to helm the turntables and when the millennium dawned he had already performed at some of New York’s most prestigious clubs – Tunnel, Limelight, and Roxy – just to name a few. DJ Ian Carisi continues to awe and inspire clubheads and fellow DJs alike, as some of his most recent positions included spinning at Exit and Avalon in New York to Sound Factory and 1015 in San Francisco. From the pulsating rhythms of the dancers and the throbbing beats, it is highly unlikely that he has any limitations to his craft. Today DJ E now resides in Moscow Russia. He has DJed at clubs such as Fabrique, Fresh, M-Seven, Rublev, and Relax Bar in Moscow. Experience 2008 – Present Worldwide Mix Show Mixer Produced and mixed the “Planet E” show. Introduced successful well known artists, DJs and Producers to the show from around the globe 1998 to Present Music Plus Events, Fremont, Ca DISC JOCKEY DJ for events including Santa Clara County Fair, Macy’s, First Row, weddings, birthday parties and corporate events throughout the Bay Area 2004 to 2008 Ace of Diamonds, Martinez, Ca DISC JOCKEY DJ for events/ night clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area 2001 to 2002 89.3 WFNY Farmingdale, NY ON–AIR PERSONALITY/ MIX SHOW MIXER/ PROMOTIONS ASSISTANT Successfully produced and mixed the “Planet E” show. Created a huge listening audience and increased ratings at WFNY. Introduced local and successful well known artists, DJs and Producers to the station. 1998 to 2000 90.5 KSJS San Jose, Ca MUSIC DIRECTOR/ ON–AIR PERSONALITY/ MIX SHOW MIXER/ PROMOTIONS ASSISTANT Produced and mixed the “Planet E” show. Guest mixer for other house music shows on KSJS. Created a new dance format by integrating a new genre at the station. Programmed dance format by recruiting new individuals to the station and maintaining contact with record labels. Introduced a new sound of dance music to the Bay Area. Resident mixer on the number one college rated morning show, “The House Party”. Helped KSJS compete with commercial radio stations in the Bay Area Venues / Events Performed: Russia Moscow: Fresh, Fabrique, Rublev, M-7, Relax, PaparaZZi, RM Club UK Nottingham: Arriba USA New York City: Tunnel, Estate, Limelight, Roxy, Exit, Speed, Downtime, Flamingo, Rare, Avalon Long Island, NY: Zacherys, Diesel, Twilo, Blue Tequila, Don Juans, Poco Locos, The World, City Lounge, Sahara San Francisco, Ca: 1015 Folsom, Sound Factory, Club X, City Nights, NV, Cloud 9, Condor, Sno Drift, Fuse, Showgirls, Club Hide, Fuse, Heights Lounge Oakland, Ca: Bench and Bar Sunnyvale, Ca: Forum Mountain View, Ca: Limelight, Encounters I, Encounters II San Jose, Ca: Cactus Club, Metropolis 2000 Pt. Richmond: Share The Love State College, Pa: Lions Den That is a very full listing. Sorry if it is too much. I can try to summarize it tomorrow.